Obvious? if not-send me a plane ticket to where ever you are.
My view right now-is a blanket of white snow
that blanket is a foot deep covering my car
by the way: I just got home six hours ago!
So I am waiting for that ticket!
Winter brings along with it some hair wounds!
It loves to make your hair weak and stressed.
Winter loves to drink all the moisture from your hair and skin
Winter loves loves loves to see your ends SNAP!
BUT! The Beauty Gods came together and had a meeting
in a steam room, and hair mask followed by Bubbly and Grapes.
Here are the following items that rescue me from STRESSED hair.
Just a note:
Use them every day, or as recommended.
The Famous Two Phase One Step Treatments are amazing
time savours-they go in towel dried hair and you feel the
silky magic work instantly.
I give the Rich Repair and The Highlights Serum
a nod to amazing-because of their power.
The Rich Repair is exactly what the name says-
but it is not heavy and it wont make you oily.
The Highlights will help make actual highlights in your hair a little more sparkly.
They both help bounce out UV rays, and protect against dryness and hydration loss.
A Treatment at http://www.Mousybrowns.com
will only cost you 15 with any hair service.
Ahhhh finally something for the scalp/exclusively.
Moroccan Oil, Dry-No More Professional
Scalp Treatment.
in one treatment my itchy dry irritated scalp
I saved the Best For Last!
Bumble and Bumble have created my god in a baby bottle.
Great things do come in small packages.
Two pumps before bedtime: and as the instructions say
for those of use who are really thin or fine-use twice a day.
In a week my hair strands have become thicker and stronger.
in 6 weeks-my hair has really proven that it loves this product!
MY hair doesn't grow past a certain point because it breaks:
It didn't break!
happy shopping