Monday, December 3, 2012


I will say it over and over again-HYDRATE.

Hydrating your skin will give the appearance of a softer more radiant look and hydrated hair will move better and have a beautiful non greasy shine. We are not all that lucky to born with it thank goodness there is the mentality "IF  YOU DON'T HAVE IT, BUY IT."

Lets get into the beauty rehab because there are products that can save us and get you ready for the sexy that is someone one NEW YEARS.

Here are my picks:

Great for some many reasons. This 10 in 1 is super light
doesn't get greasy, or creasey and reduces the amount of foundation you will wear on top.
My assistant and amazing makeup artist Krystle Ash turned me on to this gift.
It hides pores instantly and there are no parabens or dyes  (click the pic for more info)
for those that like a glow-this wont give it to you but it wont make your skin dull.

My favourite is the mint and bergamont.
I have a bottle beside my bed, one in my bag and mini one when I fly.
I spoke with Patricia Lee Official Makeup Artist for Shu Uemura North America
and she shared that this gem can be used to refresh makeup-you just spray it on and that is it. no pressing or dabbing.
My personal favorite is that-I truly believe that this is the only facial mist that I will use due to the fact that I see a difference in the radiance of my skin with in days of using it.
The mist is fine-so I don't feel like someone is using a hose on my face.
Click the picture for a link

Sebastian Drench Shampoo and Conditioner
This super rich high lather shampoo shouldn't scare the finest of hair.
I find it a medium weight, with incredible but realistic shine.
The fragrance is delightful but light and the conditioner is every tangles worst night mare.
Curly hair wearers can run to this guy cause frizz is sometimes known as curls looking for moisture.
Available at Ivory Noir


Hairdresser's invisible oil
BREATHE! Yes that is what your hair will do. Add it to your conditioner for extra hydration or to your blow dry for flickable softness. my favourite is I add it Bumble and Bumbles; Gelac because I still love that Wet Steele look on my guys rocking the dapper RAT PACK look but it softens it so that there babes can still get a hold of those locks.
available at Mousy Browns