and wish and wish for a product that I can put on and gives me such a smooth complexion
with out so much FUCKING work.
-at-last maybe that magical penny I picked up chanting " I found a penny, picked it up pit in my pocket forever I shall have good luck"
PRIMER- to the rescue.
In my history of being a makeup artist I have not found the need to use a primer-I have also been blessed to work on some of the smoothest and cared for faces YAY! I always found that a good cleansing-toning-moisturizing and some great brushes always gave me that look-for my time framed photo shoot.
MY cousins Susan and Lily are fans of primer and I did always wonder how their skin all of a sudden looked so great maybe it was Susan's Shu Uemura Skin care or Lily's' Giorgio Armani and maybe it was with the assistance of the Philosphy Brand Primer with SPF, only available in the united states, but Sephora online has it and that is how you can get it.
So my search went on and on. On my recent trip to Vancouver I talked to a few specialist including one very handsome man at the Armani counter in Holt Renfrew on the ever changing GRANVILLE STREET.
My Shu Uemura Goddess Lori suggested I try the Armani Primer-"fluid master"
and t
I also hit up Sephora, I was shown:
Philosophy "The Present" not my favorite-it was nice and I followed the directions about the waiting 2 minutes part but still it just felt like a light moisturizer-not much smoother looking.
Clinique: SPF 25- the makeup artist whom educated the sales associate let her now that this made a great primer-it is slightly tinted which I enjoyed because I could see
The product was thick and had a strong scent even before I applied it to my face. I started off on my nose area and found the scent to be not my style so I washed that bitch off and tried my next item. PRO- it is a no chemical sunscreen-maybe when I am not so sensitive I'll go back to this prodcut but its also oil free and helps to absorb oil-WOOO HOOOO! o.k.-I'll give it one more chance.
At Holt-I always had a curriosity about NARS products-"Nars is famous for their blush and eye-shadows not their skin care or foundations" one makeup artist said.
The Armani primer was a runny see through substance it felt like a thick gel/water combo. The feeling of my skin after was great-it felt completely smooth- I think its pure silicone not sure but feels like it. Tania my BFF told me that my skin already looked as smooth as it felt and with foundation even smoother. WOOHOO! but with how small the container was-was I ready to shout out all this cash for a slightly better complexion-so far NO.
The Search continues-but atleast Armani is out their.
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